To access your records, please click on the appropriate link below.
Your unique username and a password formula will be sent to you in the mail. If you don’t have your letter or have issues logging in, please call 651-571-3495.
Your username and password are the same. If you have issues logging in, please call 651-209-7761.
Why are there two places to log in now?
This change is temporary, due to Bluestone changing the software used to manage its electronic patient health records. This will mean a number of positive changes for you and your loved ones. The most immediate and obvious change is a new and improved patient portal, where you access medical records. Provider teams will migrate their patients from the old system to the new on a rolling basis between Nov. 1, 2019 and May 1, 2020. After May 1, all medical records will be available via one login screen.
For additional questions regarding this transition, or if you have problems accessing your Portal records, please contact us at 651-571-3495.
Please note that any past medical records not available on the new portal will still be accessible on the former portal. To access those records, visit the past patient portal and use your old login credentials.